
class LayoutWidget @JvmOverloads constructor(x: Pos = AbsPos(0), y: Pos = AbsPos(0), paddingW: Int = 8, paddingH: Int = paddingW, spacingW: Int = 4, spacingH: Int = spacingW) : Widget, Scalable

A powerful widget used to heuristically layout out multiple element widgets in a manner akin to web DOM layout. Widgets stored in a layout can be automatically repositioned, scaled, queried, and categorized. NOTE: LayoutWidget is not a ParentElement, it is expected that you extract the elements from the layout and add them as children to a parent that contains this layout. The layout is only for positioning.







Pos, optional. The x position of this widget. Default is AbsPos of 0. This initial position can be overwritten later with setPos


Pos, optional. The y position of this widget. Default is AbsPos of 0. This initial position can be overwritten later with setPos


Int, optional. Default 8px. The horizontal space given around the left/right edge of the layout (where the border would go visually). Unlike the DOM, there is no margin/padding duo, just padding.


Int, optional. Default whatever `paddingW`` is. The vertical space given around the top/bottom edge of the layout (where the border would go visually). Unlike the DOM, there is no margin/padding duo, just padding.


Int, optional. Default 4. The horizontal space between elements. This can be modified per element as needed with pushSpacing and popSpacing


Int, optional. Default whatever spacingW is. The vertical space between elements. This can be modified per element as needed with pushSpacing and popSpacing


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constructor(x: Pos = AbsPos(0), y: Pos = AbsPos(0), paddingW: Int = 8, paddingH: Int = paddingW, spacingW: Int = 4, spacingH: Int = spacingW)


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interface LayoutElement
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sealed interface Position

A layout position to apply to a popup element


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fun <E : Widget> add(id: String, element: E, vararg positions: LayoutWidget.Position): LayoutWidget

Adds an element, automatically keyed off the last added element (or "" if this is the first added element).

fun <E : Widget> add(id: String, element: E, parent: String, vararg positions: LayoutWidget.Position): LayoutWidget

Adds an element, keyed off a manually defined parent element.

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fun categorize(children: MutableList<Element>, drawables: MutableList<Drawable>, selectables: MutableList<Selectable>, other: Consumer<Widget> = Consumer { _-> })

Categorizes the elements in this layout into the three constituent components many screens/parents care about, as well as providing a method for arbitrary categorization

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Same as setHeight but returns itself, and won't recompute if the layout is empty. This is often used up front to, as the name implies, clamp the allowable height of a new layout before adding elements.

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Same as setWidth but returns itself, and won't recompute if the layout is empty. This is often used up front to, as the name implies, clamp the allowable width of a new layout before adding elements.

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fun compute(debug: Boolean = false): LayoutWidget
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Recursively retrieves the named element. Starts with this layout's elements, then burrows into nested layouts' elements as applicable.

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The horizontal padding of this layout.

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The general horizontal spacing of this layout. Does not take into account the current state of the spacing stack.

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The vertical padding of this layout.

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The general vertical spacing of this layout. Does not take into account the current state of the spacing stack.

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open override fun getHeight(): Int

Returns the height of this widget. If height has been clamped, will return that manual height, otherwise the automatically computed height.

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open fun getNavigationFocus(): ScreenRect
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open override fun getWidth(): Int

Returns the width of this widget. If width has been clamped, will return that manual width, otherwise the automatically computed width.

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open override fun getX(): Int

Returns the current X screen position of this widget. Uses the position from the x

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open override fun getY(): Int

Returns the current Y screen position of this widget. Uses the position from the y

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Returns whether this layout has no elements yet.

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Returns the id of the last element added to this widget, or "" if none have been added yet

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Pops a set of custom spacing off this widgets spacing stack. If all custom spacings are popped, will revert to the default spacing provided in the constructor

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Push a custom element spacing to this widgets spacing stack. any elements added after this push will be spaced using the top h/w spacing on that stack, or the default spacing provided in the widget constructor if no custom spacing exists on the stack

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fun setDimensions(width: Int, height: Int)

Sets a manual width and height for this layout. Will override any automatically computed dimensions.

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open override fun setHeight(height: Int)

Sets a manual height for this layout. Will override any automatically computed height

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fun setPos(x: Pos, y: Pos): LayoutWidget

Sets the X and Y anchor positions this layout is positioned against. The widget will wrap the positions in a RelPos to avoid mutating external position state.

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open override fun setPosition(x: Int, y: Int)

Sets the X and Y coordinate of this layout. This updates the x and y, so will overwrite and reference made with setPos.

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open override fun setWidth(width: Int)

Sets a manual width for this layout. Will override any automatically computed widths.

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open override fun setX(x: Int)

Sets the X coordinate of this layout. This updates the x, so will overwrite and reference made with setPos in the X dimension.

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open override fun setY(y: Int)

Sets the Y coordinate of this layout. This updates the y, so will overwrite and reference made with setPos in the Y dimension.

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fun update()